Sunday, May 22, 2022

Florida, Oddly Enough
A Pike is a predator. They are lone hunters and ambush their prey. They will even lunge out of the water to catch mice or lizards along the edge of a river or creek. This big pike sat motionless for as long as I stood watching him the other day. Completely still. In the creek near our house, there are also tilapia and snook, crabs, turtles, frogs. Numerous waterfowl. It is dramatic watching these pike lie so still and motionless, peering down at the scene from the footbridge. Nearby, mother tilapias and their young with their big eyes, innocently swimming by. I haven’t seen one catch another fish, but have seen a sudden struggle in the water, over nearly as quickly as it began. 

Mangala, by Yandrey Yaroshevich

Mars in Leo, artist unknown

Predators are ruled by Mars, also called Mangala in Hindu astrology.  His vehicle is a ram and he is a very skilled killer.  Not to pass judgement on the predator, we need them in their various forms to maintain our earthly ecosystem. Human predators are an interesting topic, but not for every mind to explore. I had a most gentle friend, an artist and animal lover, a vegetarian since our teen years, who absolutely loved stories about criminals and psychopaths. I don’t enjoy wandering around in those emotional/mental territories, and I judge myself to be much less kind and gentle than she was. I really couldn’t grasp why that interested her so much. It’s not that I lack curiosity but I have an internal alarm that goes off even about information. That’s not for you, it says. I’ve learned to listen to it. Yet, we need people who can detect and solve crime; who can study and know others minds and behaviors. Mars is also brave, spicy, and adventurous, and we all have Mars somewhere in our psyche. Click the link to learn more about the Hindu understanding of Mars. 

Anyway, contemplating predators and predatory things this weekend while Fish watching and wandering… Hoping you’ll all be safe. 
~Dorothy Dolores

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