Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Interrupting my Greta Garbo film series to talk about my ponderings on personal energy -- Garbo

 I started my series of posts about Greta Garbo's movies with what I thought would be a single post, then two posts, then four, then. . .  Last week I did post 2 of 3 on the 1933 film "Queen Christina," and then I realized I really wanted to take a break from heavily-researched posts for two or three weeks. 

What I felt like writing about this week was process. By "writing" in this case, I mean constructing flow charts using Windows Paint, and then adding some YouTube music clips. So that's what I did. 

Since the birth of the ecology movement in the 1960s, I've been aware of the way energy of all kinds has been squandered by people who have access to land, water, and power generating plants. And as I age, I'm aware that I go into each new day like a cell phone battery which holds a lower and lower percentage of a full charge. I've been thinking about it all, and this topic seems like one in which I could easily get lost in a maze of words. So I've gone with these two charts, followed by the music videos. 

The top flow chart is about how I feel stuck in the middle of things a lot and all the choices I consider.

The second chart is about needing to choose generally about whether I should surf through life or go into full attack mode. 

It's no wonder, really, that I'm often unsure about whether I should be pressing hard toward goals, or going with the flow. The pop music I've grown up with has given me gives me very different messages, three minutes at a time. 






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